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Young Professionals Network   

UNA-NNJ Young Professionals (YP) is a North Jersey-based network of individuals (ages 18 - 39)  that works together to make a positive impact on the international community. Want to make the world a better place, but not sure where to start? Volunteering with YP exposes you to young professionals from varying backgrounds – whether diverse nationalities or opposing careers. Through collaboration, YP members volunteer their time to advocate for international issues and innovate new ideas on how to facilitate global exchange. 


We are enthusiastically recruiting YP members, and are seeking energetic and motivated young people to share our passion for international affairs through UNA involvement, career development, and social gatherings in Northern New Jersey. YP's signature event, the “Career Conversation & Mentoring Series” focuses on relevant policy issues, career development, social networking and feature speakers from a wide range of international agencies and organizations. We welcome all backgrounds.


Email us at to join. 


  • Professional Development, Networking, Leadership, Volunteer Opportunities and more.

  • Learn more about the National Young Professionals Network here.  

  • Follow our new Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Linkedin Group Pages 


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